Prince Harry Says Meghan Markle Is ‘So Similar’ to Princess Diana in New Docuseries

People have been drawing parallels between the late Princess Diana and her daughter-in-law, Meghan Markle, for years, and now it seems Diana’s son, Prince Harry, agrees with them. Volume I of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Netflix docuseries, Harry & Meghan, dropped on Thursday, and in it, Harry discusses his mother at length, even comparing her to his wife. 

“So much of what Meghan is and how she is is so similar to my mom,” Harry says as video of Meghan and Archie plays with cuts of Diana with her sons. “She has the same compassion. She has the same empathy. She has the same confidence. She has this warmth about her.”

Meghan and Archie
Prince Harry and Princess Diana

Harry also talks about the pressure members of the royal family often feel when choosing their partner. 

“I think, for so many people in the family, especially obviously the men, there can be a temptation or an urge to marry someone who would fit in the mold as opposed to somebody who you perhaps are destined to be with,” Harry says without directly naming names. “The difference between making decisions with your head or your heart.” 

Harry notes that Diana made “most,” “if not all” of her decisions with her heart. 

“And I am my mother’s son,” he says, highlighting his decision to marry Meghan despite potential backlash from his family or the public. 

A disclaimer was included at the beginning of the docuseries, noting that members of the royal family declined to comment on the content of the series. 

The couple also share touching footage of a young Archie, now 3, looking at a framed portrait of Diana in their home. 

Archie and Princess Diana

Meghan, holding the little boy, says, “That’s your Grandma Diana,” as Archie reaches out to touch the image in a tender moment. 

Volume I of Harry & Meghan is currently streaming on Netflix, while volume II is set to be released on Dec. 15. 

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