Lindsay Hubbard Tears Up Over Her Love for Carl Radke During ‘Winter House’ Return (Exclusive)

High altitude, high emotions. 

So is the case in ET’s exclusive first look at this week’s all-new episode of Winter House, which sees the arrival of Summer House couple Lindsay Hubbard and Carl Radke for a visit in Vermont. It’s the first time the pair’s been on TV since becoming an item.

“Dude, we’re so happy,” Carl gushes to Kyle Cooke. “It was your wedding, like, where Lindsay and I just, you could feel there was something going on. My heart beated different. I’ve never been happier in my life, man.”

“There is no better feeling in the entire world than falling in love with your best friend,” Lindsay shares in a confessional. “I think that this is the closest thing that you can get to a fairy tale.”

“Like, it brings me to tears, because I just wish, like, everyone felt this kind of love in their life,” she adds, her eyes watering. “That’s how I feel about him.”

Watch it play out here:

After downloading Amanda Batula on how happy she and Carl are, Amanda asks Lindsay if it’s at all awkward to be in the house with two of her exes: Jason Cameron and Austen Kroll. Lindsay says a little bit, but only name-checks Jason. They dated after filming season 1 of Winter House, resulting in a pregnancy and, ultimately, a miscarriage.

Fans will have to stay tuned to see what kind of conversations unfold from here, but Lindsay joked to ET at BravoCon that she came to “stir the pot, create some drama and then pop out.”

“Honestly, I think all I had to do was breathe and it just slapped me in the face,” she said, “and I’ll have to watch it to see what kind of drama there was.”

“I think we went in very cautiously, just because we had heard about some of the things that were going on, there was a lot of rowdiness, some crazy fights that had happened,” Carl added. “I missed season 1, so I didn’t get to experience it. I know she was there, but I was just optimistic overall, but at the end of the day, we were in our relationship, so people got to see our dynamic kinda for the first time, see how happy we are and how in love we are. That was the most important thing.”

Winter House airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Bravo.

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