‘The View’ Features Will Smith-Inspired ‘Oscars Slap’ Kids Costume in Halloween Segment

On The View‘s Halloween episode, the show drew attention to the moment Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars in a way nobody saw coming. 

In a special segment titled “Boo Are You Wearing?,” which highlighted costumes for kids surrounding hot topics in the news, wardrobe supervisor Ashley Alderfer Kaufman introduced one child in a gold bodysuit dressed as an Oscar statue with a red handprint on their face. 

“This year the Oscars made huge headlines, but it really wasn’t about who won,” Kaufman explained. “It was about what happened with Best Actor Will Smith when he went up and slapped Chris Rock.” 

'The View'
‘The View’

Noting that the show does not “want to endorse violence of any kind,” Kaufman added that the Oscars slap was “one of the hottest hot topics this year.” 

The look was titled “the Oscars slap,” and was a reference to the viral moment earlier this year when Smith slapped Rock across the face during the live broadcast of the Oscars after Rock made a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith’s, hair. 

The comments section on The View‘s YouTube page showed that many viewers took offense to the costume. 

“Super funny making a kid dress up in a costume that represents physical assault, just screams fun,” one commenter sarcastically wrote. 

“The Oscars slap is just tasteless and lowbrow,” another remarked. “Embarrassing that this segment was greenlit.”

Another commenter said they were “completely disgusted” by the costume, while another viewer noted the child model’s apparent discomfort, writing, “The Oscar Slap costume felt a little cringeworthy. It was in poor taste and the boy looked like he was in literal pain.😬”

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