Reese Witherspoon Developing ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ Movie

Reese Witherspoon has found a just right fit for her next producing project. 

Witherspoon is stepping into the world of children’s entertainment as her Hello Sunshine production company teams up with Build-A-Bear Entertainment to develop a reimagined version of the children’s classic, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

The project will mark the debut feature film offering from Hello Sunshine’s Kids and Animation division, and the first-ever collaboration between the production company and the family-friendly toy and entertainment brand. 

A press release from Hello Sunshine teases, “This modern take on a classic will lean into the title character as a powerful female protagonist.”

Witherspoon has long been a champion of female-led storytelling, telling ET back in 2014, “I was really seeing a deficit in the marketplace of strong female roles and women as the lead in films. … I realized if I wasn’t going to start creating these opportunities for myself and other women, nobody was going to do it.”

In 2017, she opened up about being driven to inspire the next generation of girls. 

“I think about the little girls out there who watch women be the architect for their own stories and write their own stories and produce them and act in them and take the power back,” she told ET at the time. [I’m] motivated by motivating them.”

Most recently, Witherspoon gushed over how her Apple TV+ series, The Morning Show, “really touches people.” 

“I think it’s really speaking to the truth about what it is to be a woman in the workplace, in particular a woman in media,” she told ET in July. “I think it’s really resonating with audiences around the world.”

For more from Witherspoon, watch below. 

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