‘Andor’: Watch the Teaser for Diego Luna ‘Star Wars’ Series

The Rogue One prequel series centered on Diego Luna’s rebel spy, Cassian Andor, finally has a release date. The latest Star Wars series billed as “a tense nail-biting thriller” will debut with two episodes Aug. 31 on Disney+.

Set prior to the events of that standalone film — “during the formative years of the Rebellion” — the 12-episode Andor series will see Cassian, alongside returning characters like Mon Mothma (Genevieve O’Reilly), set out to “restore hope to a galaxy in the grip of a ruthless Empire.”

“I feel so lucky,” O’Reilly said about reprising her role as Mothma, acknowledging that “I first played this woman 17 years ago now.”

Watch the teaser trailer below:

Additionally, it was confirmed that Andor will run for two seasons, with the second 12 episodes ending where Rogue One picks up.

“It is really cool to tell a story where you already know the ending,” Luna previously told ET about the series. “It is a different approach, because it’s how things happen. It’s not just what happens. It’s not the typical way of approaching a story. It’s about how things happen… You know the ending, but you don’t know how it happened, and we have that challenge in front of us again, which is exciting.”


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