Whoopi Goldberg Explains Why She Doesn’t Have Eyebrows: ‘They Put Them On and Take Them Off’

If you’ve never noticed that Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t have eyebrows, don’t feel bad — even those working closely with her have never realized it!

On Monday, the 66-year-old opened up with her co-hosts on The View, revealing the reason she chooses to keep her face eyebrow-less. During a segment exploring the recent trend of celebrities bleaching and shaving their eyebrows, the actress explained that her mother was well ahead of the curve and first shaved off her eyebrows as a child.

“I had eyebrows as a little kid and you know how men get those bumps? I started to get them on my face, so my mother removed them,” Goldberg shared with her co-hosts, Sara Haines, Ana Navarro, Sunny Hostin and Alyssa Farah Griffin.

She added that she just “kept doing it because I don’t know my face with eyebrows unless I’m working — they put them on and take them off.”

Haines admitted she “never noticed” that Goldberg didn’t have them, even after looking into the Sister Act star’s face on the program for six years. Navarro agreed, with Griffin noting that Goldberg’s face is so expressive she doesn’t need eyebrows.

“Because listen, what you can see on my face, you know where they went. You know where they are. You see. So when you’re looking at me, your eye sees eyebrows when there are none,” Goldberg said.

ET spoke with Goldberg in July about the long-awaited Sister Act 3, and while she played coy when asked what she could spill about the upcoming film, Goldberg did elaborate on how the timing was right for a third film.

“I’ve been trying to do this for six years,” she said. “I was told no one was interested in this. It takes a minute for people to realize they should take their foot out of their mouth.”

“It’s coming. We gotta shoot it, but it’s happening,” Goldberg added. “You’re never fully happy with a script because one of the things you find is you wanna have the space to make an adjustment if you need to. Sometimes what looks right on paper doesn’t come out of your mouth the right way. You have to move it around a little bit but I’m very hopeful people will be happy.”

Goldberg — who starred as Deloris Van Cartier and her witness protection alter ego, Sister Mary Clarence, in the 1992 Sister Act original film and the sequel the following year — went on to share what it’s like to step back into the shoes of her character 30 years after the first movie was released. 

“It feels right,” she explained. “Because we did Sister Act 1 and 2 back-to-back, which is why I think they are really great. But now you need some space on it and you need to let [my character] grow up and become an adult which is what’s happened. We’ll see. She was an adult when she started but she’s much more of an adult now.”

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