‘Little People, Big World’: Zach Says ‘Glory Days’ Are Over at Family Farm (Exclusive)

Little People, Big World star Zach Roloff has “no interest whatsoever” in participating in pumpkin season at his father Matt’s farm this year. He and his wife, Tori, talk about the disenchantment over the ongoing drama in an exclusive sneak peek of this week’s episode. 

“Time does change how you feel about things,” Zach says. “I will not regret if this is the last year of pumpkin season and we did not participate.”

Zach and Tori moved their family to Washington last year after Matt refused to lower the price on a Roloff Farms property where they initially wanted to stay. Matt and Zach’s relationship has remained tense ever since, and the rest of the family, including Matt’s ex-wife, Amy, remain undecided on their willingness to help with the farm’s pumpkin season. 

“I think it’s going to be super well-attended,” Zac says of the tourist-heavy season, but the expectation hasn’t influenced him to want to help. 

“With everything going on with the property and the house, I don’t anticipate all of the kids really participating in pumpkin season this year,” Amy says. “Sometimes I think it’s best to end it while you still have a good thought, a good memory about it.” 

Amy adds that she is still “debating” whether she’ll be involved. “I’ll talk to Matt. I’m still not sure how I feel and what I’ll do.” Amy expressed similar sentiments in November, when she told her husband, Chris, “I’m not sure. Pumpkin season has lost its lure for me now.” 

Zach and Tori both appear calm in their decision to not return. “The glory days of when it was all of our friends working — that was 12 years ago,” he says. “Those are over.”

Adds Tori, “The farm is not a place of joy for me anymore.”

Little People, Big World airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on TLC.

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