Kourtney Kardashian on Scott Disick’s Future on ‘The Kardashians’

Kourtney Kardashian was not here for ex Scott Disick’s storyline in season 1 of Hulu’s The Kardashians. Though the co-parents’ past romance and post-split life has been documented for years on the family’s first show, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, it rubbed Kourtney the wrong way when Scott’s commentary was so heavily featured when discussing her romance with her now-husband, Travis Barker. 

During a new interview on the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast, Kourtney shares that she has “no idea” if her ex will be included in season 2 of the show, insisting, “I literally don’t know.”

She also opens up about taking issue with how Scott was featured in season 1 of the family’s new Hulu series. 

“I was upset they chose to take my fairytale and include that part of it,” she admits. “And then it just bothered me, like, these people, at wherever are like making the choice of what my story is.”

Kourtney says that as one of the show’s executive producers, she gave notes on Scott’s scenes, but they “weren’t addressed.”

Though she says she didn’t take offense to Scott’s inclusion at first, she thinks that’s because she was used to him always being a part of her story. 

“I didn’t initially have a problem with it when I first watched it because I think we’re so used to the way that we’ve done things for so long and it’s been, you know, that kind of stuff would have been included,” she shares. “I think it just bothered me because I felt like this is my fairytale. And I was like, why can’t we show the happy ending? Why do we have to focus on this? I get it’s TV, and blah, blah, blah, but to me, I was not having it. I was like, you wouldn’t do this to anyone else.”

Since the first season aired, Kourtney says she’s “definitely made it really clear that that’s not for me.” 

As she and Travis start their lives as newlyweds together, she plans to keep the focus on their love story. 

“I’m not gonna be a part of this,” she says. “I feel like I’m here living my life and I’m not sitting here talking about anyone else. So I just demand the same respect.”

The Kardashians streams Thursdays on Hulu.  

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