Jimmy Kimmel’s Annual Candy Prank Leads to Cursing, Tears and Total Destruction

Jimmy Kimmel Live is back with its annual trick and tears! On Wednesday, the show brought back the “Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I Told My Kids I Ate Their Halloween Candy” prank, where parents fib to their children and tell them that they their entire candy haul is gone.  

As expected, it didn’t go well. There was a range of emotions from kids of various ages after their parents informed them of the terrible news. Some children were brought to instant tears as their moms and dads held the cameras to their faces. Other little ones simply screamed.  

One little boy told his parent, “You are not my best friend anymore.” 

Another little girl dressed in a princess costume exclaimed as she lifted her empty bucket, “Oh, dammit.” An adorable set of siblings informed their parents that they were making them both “angry” and “sad.” 

And one little girl simply had enough, telling her parents, “I’m so sick of you.”

There was one very understanding little girl, who told her mom, “That’s OK if you ate all the candy, but when it’s the next Halloween we can get more.”

Overall, the general reactions were tears, screaming and multiple objects being tossed in moms and dads’ directions.  

For one set of parents, their kids didn’t react as they had hoped. “I didn’t really eat your candy,” their dad tells his kids. “It’s downstairs, this is a prank.” 

“It didn’t really go that well, honestly,” their mom adds. “We thought you guys would get a little more upset.”

After the dad tells the kids that it was Kimmel who made them do the prank, they still remained unfazed. “I dreamed about doing this for years,” the dad says to the camera. “And these guys didn’t give a sh*t.”

For more Halloween fun, check out the links below.

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