Harrison Ford Tried on 75 Hats Before Finding the Perfect One for His ‘1923’ Role

Choosing Harrison Ford’s most important accessory turned out to be quite a challenge. In an interview with Variety, Janie Bryant, 1923‘s costume designer, revealed that she tried approximately 75 hats on the actor as he suited up to play Jacob Dutton, the great-great uncle to John Dutton III (Kevin Costner), in the 1920s-set Yellowstone prequel series.

“It’s all about his hat. We made so many for him,” Bryant said. “All the different colors — trying the different creases, the different brims, the different crown heights. It was definitely a process.”

That process included herself, Ford and the show’s creator, Taylor Sheridan, Bryant said.

“Taylor is also very specific about the kind of hat that he likes, too,” she said. “There was a lot of collaboration with Taylor, with Harrison and myself to create what I call the ‘Jacob.'”

Ford himself discussed the hat-making process in an interview with ET’s Cassie DiLaura, noting that Sheridan initially “didn’t like any” of the hat options and would often say, “That one’s too tall. That one’s too big. That one’s too small.”

Ford stars in the series alongside Helen Mirren, about whom he gushed to ET.

“I found working with Helen to be extraordinarily easy, simple, straightforward. There’s no fussiness about her. She’s a practical person. She’s a down-to-Earth person. She’s very smart, very astute and she knows her craft,” he said. “Our scenes have been nothing but a pleasure.”

new on Paramount+

New episodes of 1923 drop Sundays on Paramount+.

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