‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Recap: Genevieve Has ‘Worst Birthday Ever’ as Two Potential Romantic Rivals Emerge

Birthdays don’t always go as planned in Paradise. On Monday night’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise, birthday girl Genevieve struggled, Michael thrived and two one-time villains tried to change the narrative, all of which ET is breaking down in the recap below.

Things began with a new arrival on the beach, which spelled trouble for Genevieve. The problems didn’t end there, as another girl seemed to threaten Genevieve and Justin’s connection too. Meanwhile, Kira scared Casey, Michael and Sierra had a heart-to-heart, and Logan and Shanae took a shot at love.

The dramatic episode wrapped up with Romeo trying to romance one too many Juliets, a decision that Jill did not take kindly to.

Keep reading for a full recap of episode 2 of Bachelor in Paradise.

Genevieve Worries as Two Romantic Rivals Emerge

Genevieve started out the episode on cloud nine, even telling the cameras that Justin “wouldn’t jeopardize” their connection for another girl. That proved false as Victoria from Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor arrived on the beach looking to have something “really fun” with Justin. After chatting with Logan and Johnny, Victoria decided to ask Justin out, much to Genevieve’s dismay.

“I’m gonna lose Justin,” she cried to the cameras. “I’m more interested in Justin in one day than I was in Clayton in a month.” 

Justin spoke to Genevieve before heading out for his date, telling her that he’d want her to “do the same thing,” though he admitted he didn’t expect her “to be thrilled.” Genevieve played it cool in front of him, but lamented the situation in confessionals and to the other singles, as Justin and Victoria rode around on a dune buggy and swam together.

“If he’s conflicted, I’m packing and going myself,” Genevieve told her friends as Justin admitted to the cameras that there could be “a promising future” with Victoria.

The competition for Justin’s affection didn’t surprise Genevieve, but the fact that it was Victoria did, as she’d only expected a battle with Salley, who’d yet to arrive to the beach, but had apparently flirted with Justin at Stagecoach.

As franchise fans will remember, Salley appeared on the season premiere of Clayton Echard’s season but left ahead of night one to go back to her on-and-off fiancé. Genevieve’s fears about Salley were renewed when the women discovered her bag in their room, though the woman in question wasn’t there.

Bartender Wells Adams recounted Salley’s story to the interested ladies, revealing that she had made it to the gate at the airport, intending to board a plane to Paradise, but backed out at the last minute after a tearful phone call with her ex. Her bag did make the trip, though, and Salley is expected to follow in the next few days.

“This feels like f**king torture,” Genevieve complained.

When Justin and Victoria returned from the date, the clock had officially struck midnight, meaning it was officially Genevieve’s birthday. Justin decided to mark the moment by waiting to talk to Genevieve, whom he learned had been “pouting all day.”

He finally did talk to her and admitted that he’d had “fun” with Victoria. That left Genevieve “checked out” of the relationship and sobbing as she told the cameras, “This is the worst birthday ever.”

Michael Sees Something ‘Really, Really Good’ With Sierra

As Genevieve dealt with drama and nipple-rubbing Kira made Casey believe she’s “a f**king mad woman,” Michael and Sierra had a touching conversation.

“I like you,” Sierra told Michael, who concurred. “I like you too. I feel like we get each other.” 

Michael admitted “there’s a lot at stake” for him, given the fact that he’s a widower and a single father.

“I’m naturally guarded now, where before I wasn’t… I get excited in the beginning and then when the feelings start to shift it starts to get scary,” Michael shared. “… One thing I really am scared of is that I’m not ready and I don’t want to use someone to get ready.”

Michael went on to discuss how much he misses his late wife, Laura, which left Sierra in tears. “Whoever you do end up choosing,” she told him, “it’s never replacing her.”

Michael praised Sierra for being so “sweet,” before further gushing in a confessional. 

“Sierra is amazing,” he said. “She totally understands that old type of love that is forever, that still exists between me and Laura, but also understands the beauty that can happen when you do find love again… There’s something really good there. Like, something really, really good. I can’t not feel that one.”

Logan and Shanae Try to Rewrite Their Stories

Elsewhere, Hailey was sure she had “a connection with Logan,” but the man in question seemed to be laser-focused on Shanae, even making out with her in Hailey’s eye line.

“I can for sure see something with Logan, and it’s exciting just because I haven’t had butterflies for anyone in a long time, but it’s intimidating because there’s beautiful women here and he’s hot. He’s a hot commodity,” Shanae said in a confessional. “Shanae 2.0 is not a villain, but if someone is taking him away from me, I wanna be like, ‘Don’t do it.'”

Hailey approached Logan to share her feelings, but it was awkward, and she left the talk telling the cameras how much it all “sucks.”

“It just sucks not being picked by the guy that you have a crush on,” Hailey confessed after Shanae scored a date card and asked Logan out.

The date went well, as Shanae and Logan danced the night away at an outdoor bar.

“Logan really makes me feel comfortable so I can be myself. It feels good,” Shanae said in a confessional, as Logan stated in his own, “Like me, Shanae had a really hard experience when she went on the show. All Shanae ever wanted was to be wanted and to be treated like somebody who deserves a date, who deserves the door opened for her, who deserves to be kissed and to be wanted. I think we both get a chance to come together and rewrite this story that didn’t end well for us.”

Logan praised Shanae for being “brave,” while she revealed that he makes her “feel comfortable.”

“I’m smitten. I have butterflies with you,” she admitted. “… I see this going really good.” 

“Me too,” Logan agreed, before they shared a kiss.

Romeo Tries to Collect Juliets

After scoring a second chance with Jill, Romeo decided that he doesn’t “want to commit on day two to a relationship.” He pulled Brittany to explore that connection, but she rebuffed his kiss out of respect for Jill. Romeo left the conversation feeling that Brittany was into him, but Brittany had a different view.

“It was the most awkward conversation I’ve ever had. He went in for a kiss and it turned me off,” Brittany said in a confessional. “Romeo is just not my type of guy. If he were to give me a rose, I would tell him that I’d rather get hit by a bus.” 

Brittany told Jill about the situation, and the latter woman lamented that “usually people who get a second chance do something with it.” Romeo tried to defend his chat by telling Jill “this is Paradise and we’re here to explore relationships,” but she stormed away as she yelled, “I’m so done with you.”

“What did you expect? Me to just sit there and be like, ‘OK, I’ll let you walk all over me!'” Jill said in a confessional. “… Romeo doesn’t respect me or care about me at all. I’ve been bamboozled.” 

Romeo acknowledged he’d “made a big mess” and hoped giving Jill his rose would mend the situation. “Explore other options because this door is firmly shut,” she told him. “I can’t trust anything you say. There’s no more chances left.” 

Romeo left that conversation and then faced similar brush-offs from both Hailey and Kira, which left him in tears.

Three New Arrivals Stir the Pot

In a preview for Tuesday’s episode, Hunter is that sure she won’t be one of the three girls to go home… at least until she sees Johnny kiss Victoria.

Both Genevieve and Teddi are in tears, but the arrival of Rodney, James and Aaron seems to lift some spirits. Former foes Genevieve and Shanae wind up on a double date together, and the former woman accuses the latter one of “trying to start drama.”

“It’s very hard to juggle two men at once,” Shanae admits. “I’ve never done that before. I’m not holding back. I don’t care who’s around. I’m being Shanae.”

That leaves Genevieve with just one question: “What the f**k?”

Season 8 of Bachelor in Paradise airs Mondays and Tuesdays on ABC. Follow along with ET’s coverage of the show to stay up-to-date on all the drama on the beach.

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