Time for Change Foundation Founder Kim Carter on Being Portrayed by Jennifer Hudson in ‘Tell It Like a Woman’

Art imitating life. Jennifer Hudson stars in Tell It Like a Woman, directed by Taraji P. Henson, and the story behind the film is based on Kim Carter’s experiences.

The movie depicts Carter’s struggle with addiction, finding herself cycling in and out of the prison system, and eventually, her work with Time for Change Foundation to help disenfranchised, low-income women find the path to success and self-sufficiency, just as she did herself. 

Kim Carter
Courtesy of Time For Change Foundation

When Carter was first notified that her story would be portrayed in the film directed by Henson, she was in total shock. 

“I couldn’t stop smiling and I just couldn’t believe it. … It was surreal,” she says. “Taraji was so down to earth and our conversations just started bubbling.”

Shortly after, Carter was even more surprised to hear that Hudson would be portraying her. 

“I didn’t know who would be playing me until I had my second call with Taraji, and then Jennifer Hudson popped up on Zoom too. I was completely flabbergasted and starstruck. I just kept screaming, ‘You brought the diva!”’ … I have been a fan of hers since American Idol,” she shares.

Jennifer Hudson
Todd Williamson/NBC/NBC via Getty Images

Once they all started working together, Carter and the Dreamgirls actress were quick to form a close relationship.

“Jennifer was very interested in accurately portraying my story. She wanted to capture the same emotions I felt at that point in my life. … We spent a lot of time talking about my past and connecting on a spiritual level. 

“We have literally laughed together, cried together, and partied together. I think those moments really strengthened our bond and I see her like a little sister. … We really are connected for life,” she explains. 

Kim Carter
Courtesy of Time For Change Foundation

As for what Carter wants viewers to take away from the film: “People should leave this movie knowing they can overcome any challenges, pursue any dreams, and lead life to the fullest. Every person is deserving of a life that is nurturing and supportive, regardless of where you come from.” 

“A nurturing life is something I strive to bring to the women who come through our Time for Change Foundation. … We are able to help these women get back on their feet with the right tools and resources. We are transforming lives, reuniting families, and creating a community that is healthy and thriving,” she says.

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