Dwayne Johnson and ‘Black Adam’ Producer Talk Henry Cavill’s Return to DCEU as Superman (Exclusive)

Warning: Spoiler alert! Spoilers ahead for Black Adam and its post-credits scene. Do not read on if you haven’t watched!

There’s a new era beginning in the DC Universe — but a familiar face returning in the Black Adamcredits scene!

As Dwayne Johnson’s long-awaited superhero epic finally hits theaters, fans are buzzing about another character whose return to the big screen has been a long time coming.

The mid-credits scene features Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) warning Black Adam about following her rules. She threatens to call in a favor to someone powerful enough to keep him in line, and that’s when Superman descends — played once again by Henry Cavill.

“It’s been a while since anyone’s made the world this nervous,” he says, before adding, “Black Adam, we should talk.”

“The whole goal and initiative of Black Adam was to build out the DC universe by introducing not only Black Adam but the entire JSA,” Johnson told ET at the film’s premiere. “Five new superhero characters in one movie… Audience comes first, so for years audiences have been so passionate and vocal about [it].”

“We’ve established Black Adam as the most powerful and unstoppable force on our planet, but the fans have been so passionate about… where is the most unstoppable force in the universe?” he continued.

Of Cavill’s anticipated return as the Man of Steel, Johnson added simply, “I will say this: Welcome home.”

Black Adam poster
Warner Bros.

It was a lengthy process to secure Cavill’s return — the actor last suited up as Kal-El/Superman in 2017’s Justice League — but Johnson explained that he sees Black Adam as a fan-focused reset for the DC Comics Cinematic Universe, and that had to include one of its most beloved characters.

“There’s a new era in the DC universe. And it begins now and it begins with Black Adam,” he noted. “Yes, introduce new characters, but the new era to me means listen to the fans. Really listen to the fans. Not just say you do, but really listen to the fans, and that will inform and guide you on your next move.”

“So what you see at the end of the movie, that everyone is already losing their minds over, that’s a reflection of listening to the fans and that’s also a reflection of building to something big,” he added.

Of plans for more films with both Black Adam and Cavill’s Superman, Johnson explained, “The goal is, we wanna continue to build out the DC Universe, ‘cause there’s so many places to go with Black Adam, with the JSA, the Justice League, new characters that are in the DC Bible that haven’t been introduced yet. It’s really up to the fans… The box office will drive everything, but that is the overarching goal. I like to try and think five, six, 10 steps ahead.”

Black Adam producer Dany Garcia, who manages both Johnson and Cavill, also spoke with ET at the premiere about making the epic face-off a reality. 

“We’ve got an end credit that has been six years in the making,” she shared. “That is very emotional for me. It’s taken a long time to get the studio to this point. There were presentations, there were spreadsheets, I gave Zoom calls. It was an amazing journey… I would say we had a belief there is a continuation of [Cavill] as Superman. He never left it, but there are stories to be told. It was a big family effort, and we are so happy.”

Black Adam is in theaters now.

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