‘Ghosts’: Danielle Pinnock on Surprising Alberta Revelations and Unraveling Her Murder Mystery (Exclusive)

Spoiler alert! Do not proceed if you have not watched Thursday’s episode of Ghosts.

We have a murder mystery on our hands!

On Thursday’s episode of Ghosts, the mysterious circumstances surrounding Alberta’s death was front and center as Sam — with the help of Alberta superfan and true-crime podcaster Todd — began to dig into what may have happened and who could have potentially murdered her — if she was even murdered in the first place. Surprising details were uncovered through Alberta’s diary, which revealed that she had beef with a fellow jazz singer named Clara after losing out on a gig to be the star singer and went against her “no ratting” policy to rat her competition out. Plus, Alberta was performing at the manor in the 1920s the day she died. And Clara, who also happened to be present that day, is now prime suspect No. 1

“It’s just really exciting that I get to be a part of a murder history, and one of the biggest whodunnits since Trevor’s pants, which is really exciting,” actress Danielle Pinnock, who plays Alberta, tells ET. “I want to know if she was murdered or not!”

Though the episode begins a season-long journey of finding out the truth behind Alberta’s fate and who’s responsible, Pinnock said she’s just as excited as viewers to chart Alberta’s journey and start answering some of those looming questions. “It’ll definitely be ongoing this season, this mystery, as the podcast grows,” she confirmed. 

Following the episode, Pinnock broke down the biggest revelations and what surprises may be in store for viewers as Alberta’s murder mystery begins to unravel.

ET: Were you surprised by any of the revelations that were uncovered in this episode?

Danielle Pinnock: Absolutely. I would say that Alberta in season 1, she was a delicious diva, was boisterous and extremely confident and brazen, and she really is the mama bear. She’s a truth teller and doesn’t like when people are lying. But to know that there was some shade to her and she did some shady stuff back in the day, that was quite a surprise, because yes, I know that she used the date these bootlegger boyfriends and was possibly involved in murders and things like that, but I didn’t know how far her shade went. Our girl may not be a fan favorite after they find out about what she’s been up to, but hopefully, by the end of that episode, she redeems herself.

The thing that’s most important for me that was very truthful for me to play is that she struggled in the 1920s as a musician and as a woman of size, and I love that we get to talk about size inclusiveness in this episode and body image and what it was like for her. And how a lot of times, she was overlooked because of her size and she wasn’t the most glamorous back in the day, which gets in context as to why she is the way she is now. When they asked me before the episode, if that was okay for them to talk about, because they know that my entire social media platform is called Body Courage and that’s what I like to focus on in the entertainment industry. It’s been incredible to see how my personal history has been able to inform this character. And I’ve been really grateful that [showrunners] Joe Port and Joe Wiseman and the writers decided to add that for her as well.

By the end of the episode, there is a suspect who surfaces: Clara. Where does this murder investigation goes?

Clara is definitely a suspect, for sure. We find out that Alberta was actually at the manor in the 1920s performing. And there is a character named Clara, who may or may not have murdered Alberta, and we’ll find out throughout season 2 if that was true or not, and who else may have been involved in the murder too. We don’t know if Clara was the one, but she definitely is a prime suspect, for sure. Her and Alberta, they did have beef back in the day. They were performing together and Clara was not the nicest performer, especially to Alberta. And we’ll see how that manifests.


What has been the most surprising thing that you’ve uncovered about Alberta following the big reveal?

There’s a couple of things that really helped me with this character. One was doing that flashback because it gave me some context as to how this woman was celebrated back in the day. What she lived for and that she’s a natural born performer. I’m a theater girl, I’ve been doing theater for over a decade, and I haven’t been back on stage since 2016. So being able to do that scene and hear an audience and have it packed with people, and the hustle and bustle of the dancers and trying to get backstage, it just reminded me of when I used to be on stage doing all of those things. I think Alberta just lived for the applause. And I just carry that spirit and that energy with her. Because I hadn’t had a flashback in season 1, that had given me even more context into her character, and I can now bring that with me for future episodes as well too. As we continue to dive in, I think for, not only just Alberta, all of the ghosts, we’re finding more and more out about our characters within each episode.

And something that I’m also very excited about that will be explored in the season is her potential relationship with Pete. Who knew he would have a crush on Alberta? She really has to figure out this season, is she going to keep wanting the bad boys who remind her of her past or is she going to take it easy with a really great guy? I think being with a great guy makes her a little more fearful than dating the murderous, treacherous bootleggers in her past because she’s never dated a nice guy before. I know she talks a lot of talk about, “I’m this, and I know I’m this and that, and I know I’m hot and all that stuff,” but I don’t quite think she truly understands what it means to be vulnerable. Alberta is really starting to understand who she is as a woman — and I find this so fascinating that it’s happening, not in her life, but in her afterlife. So hopefully our girl learns how to be vulnerable and hopefully she goes for the good guy.

What do you think are the chances of a real romance between Alberta and Pete?

It could happen. We won’t know yet. But there’s so much more to come in this season, and I’m really excited for audiences to see what we’ve been up to. We’ve worked really, really hard. We’re at the halfway point. We’ve just finished our incredible Christmas episode ad I know the writers and Joe Port and Joe Wiseman, as well as the cast and crew, we’re just itching for folks to see it. I can’t wait for Alberta’s podcast episode [because] it’s the biggest episode that I’ve ever had in my career.

Looking ahead to the rest of the season, if there an episode down the line that you think fans might want to circle?

I’m just going to tell people to stay tuned. We have some fabulous things happening this season. I have to say our Christmas episode is probably one of my favorites. Not only because I love being in the holiday spirit, but because my best friend, Punam Patel, who plays Jay’s sister, is in it and she does a fabulous job and will really get to uncover what happens with sibling rivalries and their relationship and how Sam loves the holidays and what it takes for the girls to get into the holiday spirit. It’s a fantastic double episode and I cannot wait for folks to see that. Season 1 was amazing, but this is our best season yet and I cannot wait for folks to watch all 22 episodes. It’s going to be amazing, truly.

Ghosts airs Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

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