‘Dead to Me’ Final Season Trailer: Jen and Judy Are in Big, Big Trouble

The trailer for the third and final season of Dead to Me is here! After more than two years away, Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini return to the Netflix dark comedy as best friends Jen and Judy, and this time, they’re facing the brutal aftermath of the bombshells left in the wake of the stunning sophomore finale.

Netflix released the official two-minute trailer Wednesday, which opens with all that Jen and Judy have been through together up to this point, from Steve’s dramatic death to the hit-and-run (caused by Steve’s twin Ben) at the intersection. “We’ve been through a lot already,” Judy says. “And we survived because we had each other.” Jen corrected her friend, “Have each other.” The trailer then reveals Jen and Judy in the hospital, cut up but alive, after the car crash. 

Meanwhile, Detective Perez (Diana Maria Riva) and Officer Prager (Brandon Scott) discover Steve’s buried body after getting tipped off. Ben reveals the news to a shocked Judy that they’ve found Steve. Jen’s reaction? “Oh, for f**k’s sake!” With the police starting to poke around, Jen and Judy are on high alert when Prager discloses his suspicions that Steve’s death and the hit-and-run are “all connected.”

As Detective Perez tries to pivot the evidence away from Jen and Judy, considering she was complicit in letting Jen go, it’s clear the case isn’t going away anytime soon. At one point, Judy forgets that Jen was the one who killed Steve when she theorizes that it could have been some shady Greeks. “Judy, we’re the f**king Greeks!” Jen reminds her. As the circle of people who know the truth gradually grows, Jen and Judy are warned by Perez that the new FBI agent (Garret Dillahunt) on the investigation is more than capable of sussing out the truth. 

While Judy is close to reaching her breaking point, Jen remains steadfast that they can get out of this situation scot-free. “It’s not too late, there’s always a way out,” Jen tells her friend.

Other key scenes from the jam-packed trailer include Jen and Judy being wheeled into a big medical machine, Judy expertly shooting the tires of a car, and the duo coming up with their criminal names. Watch the final season trailer of Dead to Me below.

Applegate, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis while filming the final season of Dead to Me, recently opened up in an interview with the New York Timesabout why she felt she had to finish the story.

“I had an obligation to [creator] Liz [Feldman] and to Linda, to our story,” Applegate said. “The powers that be were like, ‘Let’s just stop. We don’t need to finish it. Let’s put a few episodes together.’ I said, ‘No. We’re going to do it, but we’re going to do it on my terms.’”

With the show’s return just around the corner, Applegate said in the interview she doesn’t believe she’ll watch the final season. 

“If people hate it, if people love it, if all they can concentrate on is, ‘Ooh, look at the cripple,’ that’s not up to me. I’m sure that people are going to be, like, ‘I can’t get past it,'” she said. “Fine, don’t get past it, then. But hopefully, people can get past it and just enjoy the ride and say goodbye to these two girls.”

Dead to Me

Dead to Me returns Thursday, Nov. 17 on Netflix.

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