‘The Voice’: Blake Shelton Says Brayden Lape ‘Stepped Up’ With Semifinals Performance

At just 16, Brayden Lape is the youngest finalist on this season of The Voice, but he’s got grown up vocal power!

The singer took the stage during Monday’s season 22 semifinals to perform a powerful rendition of “In Case You Didn’t Know” by Brett Young, and wow the coaches once again with his laid-back demeanor and impressive talent.

“I’m so excited about your career and where you’re going,” Camila Cabello praised. “You have such a gorgeous sounding voice and it might be more subtle, but that doesn’t make it less impactful.”

“I was the first to love you!” Gwen Stefani agreed, once again calling out how cute and talented the teen singer is.

As for coach Blake Shelton, he told his wife that he’s “fully aware” of how cute Brayden is, but praised the young performer for finding another level, vocally, in Monday’s performance.

“That note you hit at the end, I’ve never heard you sing anything like that,” Blake praised. “You stepped up.”

Last week, Brayden took the stage during the Top 10 live show to perform “Homesick” by Kane Brown, and had the coaches in awe at his laid-back demeanor and impressive vocals.

“Absolutely delightful!” Camila raved of the performance. “You glided over that, that’s probably my favorite performance of yours.”

“That chorus fit you like a glove,” Gwen agreed, marveling, “Every performance that you do, it’s similar, but it’s so engaging. You’re so calm!”

But it was coach Blake who had the most praise for Brayden, saying how exciting it’s been to watch the teen performer  “develop vocally and artistically in front of our eyes.”

“As you start to get confidence, you’re gonna get way too big for us to ever get to come back on this show,” the Cowboy added with a laugh, inspiring Camila to chime in, “But hopefully not literally, because you’re way too tall!”

“You combine a great performance like that with the ‘it thing’ that you already have, the world is yours, man,” Blake added.

The Voice airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8 p.m. PT/ET on NBC.

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