Watch Chris Hemsworth Push His Body to the Brink in ‘Limitless’ Trailer

Chris Hemsworth is is taking on some of the hardest challenges in the National Geographic’s new docuseries, Limitless. And fans can see their first look at the star’s excruciating and pulse-pounding experiences as he pushes his body to it’s ultimate limits.

“Now I may be in pretty decent shape. Sure, I may look like an immortal Norse god! But I know the clock is already ticking,” Hemsworth says in the moody, exciting first trailer for his new docuseries on Disney+.

Instead of facing off against some alien menace or magical maniac, in Limitless, Hemsworth is instead looking to to take on humanity’s most menacing villain — aging and mortality itself.

“I want to discover how we can all unlock the secrets of living a longer, healthier life,” Hemsworth explains, as we see an eclectic montage of the different trials and challenges he experiences, under the guidance of “longevity experts.”

The groundbreaking series — created by Oscar nominated filmmaker Darren Aronofsky — sees Hemsworth undergo extraordinary trials, designed by world-class experts and pioneers in health, wellness and medicine, that will help his test and explore the very limits of the human mind and body.

The series will see the movie star train as a fire fighter, explore the wilderness of the Australian outback without guidance, row with an Olympic-class rower, shock his body in freezing water and partake in a multitude of other physical and mental exercises that will test his very being. As the star intones in this captivating trailer, “It’s a battle against what time can do to us.”

Limitless premieres Nov. 16 on Disney+.

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