Mindy Kaling Says ‘Sex Lives of College Girls’ Is Upping the Ante for Season 2 (Exclusive)

Mindy Kaling is promising a spicy new chapter for HBO Max’sThe Sex Lives of College Girls.

“I grew up very repressed so this show is so sexy and sexual. Like, let’s be honest, it’s sexual. There are things that shock me and I’m the creator of the show!” Kaling told ET’s Lauren Zima on Saturday at the coming-of-age series’ Emmy FYC event in Los Angeles. “I’m like, ‘Wow, OK.’ But nothing is just shock for shock value. It’s really funny and I think people will feel it’s relatable.”

The Sex Lives of College Girls follows four college roommates, played by Pauline Chalamet, Amrit Kaur, Renee Rapp and Alyah Chanelle Scott, as they arrive at New England’s prestigious Essex College. Filled with contradictions and hormones, these girls are lovable and infuriating as they live out their new, free lives on campus. 

As Kaling teases, they’re upping the ante for season 2, which is currently in production and will take place during the winter of the girls’ freshman college experience.

“It’s called The Sex Lives of College Girls for a reason and I think all four of the girls are fun and experimenting and doing lots of fun stuff,” she said. “There’s more heartbreak, there’s a lot more sex and there’s some really funny new characters and some new hot guys.”

Added co-creator Justin Noble: “It’s going to be a lot of new and interesting people coming into our girls’ lives, much in the vein of other shows that are about love lives especially in this tumultuous time. It’s about new interests that are coming in, old interests coming back, the triangles that form between them. Some people exit, some people will enter, but nobody is really gone forever and there’s always a way to bring someone new back in. Lots of new romance and sex-forward stories.”

“The thing that’s cool about our writers’ room is it’s full of all these young women who are much closer to college than Mindy and I, and sometimes they’re sharing their real experiences that end up on the screen and we have to decide: Is it great or is it too much? And where’s the line? So there are some big, fun things coming our way for sure,” Noble continued.

But could Kaling pop by for a cameo in the new season (or even the in-the-works Legally Blonde 3)? While she expressed a desire to appear onscreen in some capacity for either project, don’t hold your breath — at least not right now.

“As of now [I] don’t see a world where I’m in either of them but listen, yes, and I should have some sway but I haven’t written [anything] — not so far in College Girls [but] I would love to be,” Kaling said, even though Rapp and her co-stars were angling for their boss to make a guest appearance someday. (“I have pitched multiple, multiple times that Mindy needs to be on the show!” Rapp exclaimed.)

The Sex Lives of College Girls

Meanwhile, the young stars behind The Sex Lives of College Girls celebrated the HBO Max comedy in style, dropping intriguing hints as to what may be on the horizon for their characters.

“I can tease that Kimberly explores a lot of different types of ways to make the money that she needs to stay in school,” Chalamet hinted.

Rapp, who plays Leighton, added that season 2 is pure “chaos, sex, hell-fire.” “Very wow in the sense of like, it’s really bold, very bold. We were bold in season 1, but I also think the four of us are much more comfortable in our bodies and in our characters as people. We’re sat into the roles, so it’s a little more blunt,” she noted. “At least for me, I feel like we’ve taken the bluntness up by like 10.”

“I think you get to see more of like the characters’ lives,” said Scott, who portrays Whitney. “I think the first season really had to establish who these people are, why they’re here and now we get to go in and investigate like the ins and outs of these people’s lives and what makes them tick. New storylines, everything’s fresh and you get to reinvestigate the characters and I feel like that’s so great that we get to do that again.”

Kaur didn’t take the Sex Lives of College Girls experience for granted, sharing her thoughts on why the show has struck a chord.

“I think it’s nice to have a show that people can relate to or look at a college experience. That’s a sector there’s not a lot of work out there for, so it’s nice and I think it’s also a show that makes people laugh,” praised Kaur, who plays Bela. “And we’ve just come out of a very hard time — COVID and lots of things happening in the world. So it’s nice to be a part of something that makes people laugh.”

The Sex Live of College Girls is streaming now on HBO Max.

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