‘Little People, Big World’: Zach Reflects on Strained Relationship With His Dad (Exclusive)

Zach Roloff and his family have bid farewell to their old home. 

In a new clip from Tuesday’s episode shared exclusively with ET, the Little People, Big World star and soon-to-be dad of three reflects on their recent move to a new house. “We’re excited for our kids to grow up here,” he says. “The way we got here was not good and, like, actions from other people, I think, weren’t right,” he adds, seemingly referencing his struggle with his dad, Matt Roloff, over buying part of the family farm. 

While Zach acknowledges that it’s “great” now that they’re in their new house, he knows his kids will have a different experience than he did. “It’s not going to be the same childhood I had,” Zach says, “but either way, they weren’t going to have that exact same childhood even if it was at the farm.”

During a confessional, Zach also admits that he hasn’t talked to his dad “much lately.”

Back in October 2021, Tori Roloff confirmed to fans that the family had moved from Portland, Oregon, to Washington. 

“Guess what?! WE MOVED!!,” she announced at the time. “We’ve been quite busy the last 30 days and I am beyond exhausted. I hope we never move again. Haha.”

“We said goodbye to our sweet, cozy, unique, and very green house in Portland yesterday!!” she continued. “We have had so many beautiful memories in that house including bringing our sweet bean home from the hospital, countless gatherings, and just a whole lot of love. We will miss Portland but we’re so excited for our new adventure in…WASHINGTON!”

The couple, who were already parents to son Jackson and daughter Lilah, welcomed their third child, a son named Josiah, in April. 

Little People, Big World airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on TLC.  

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