Guillermo del Toro Thanks ‘Love of My Life’ Kim Morgan After 2023 Oscar Win

True love for Guillermo del Toro! The director thanked his wife, Kim Morgan, after accepting the Oscar for Best Animated Feature on Sunday. Del Toro and Morgan married in 2021. 

Del Toro won for his film, Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, accepting the award alongside co-director Marc Gustafson. He referred to his wife as “the love of his life” before also honoring his late parents and his children, whom he shares with his ex-wife. 

Del Toro last won an Oscar when he took home two trophies for his 2017 film, The Shape of Water. Days after accepting the awards, he announced he had separated from his first wife, Lorenza Newton, in 2017. He married Morgan four years later. 

“Animation is cinema,” del Toro said on Sunday night. “Animation is ready to be taken to the next step. We are all ready for it. Please help us. Keep animation in the conversation.”

The 2023 Academy Awards hosted by Jimmy Kimmel airs live on Sunday, March 12 starting at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on ABC. In the meantime, keep checking back into for complete Oscars coverage including all the night’s big winners. 

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