Carey Mulligan Assists on Set of Husband Marcus Mumford’s Steven Spielberg-Directed Music Video

It was an intimate, family affair on the set of Marcus Mumford’s new music video, “Cannibal,” with both Carey Mulligan and Steven Spielberg playing key roles. 

The singer shared a snap with his wife of 10 years on Instagram Monday, as he credited Academy Award-nominated actress with overseeing costumes and sound for the shoot.

“On Sunday 3rd July in a high school gym in New York, Steven Spielberg directed his first music video, in one shot, on his phone,” Mumford wrote in his Instagram caption, highlighting a photo of Spielberg being pushed in an office chair by his wife, Kate Capshaw, while filming Mumford on his phone.

“Kate Capshaw was the almighty dolly grip,” he continued.  “I’ve been overwhelmed by the support of the people around me to bring this music to you, and I cannot hope to express all my gratitude. When people get it, it blows my mind. Kate and Steven just got it, and I cannot thank them enough.” 

Mumford also credits Kristie Macoscko Krieger as the visual’s producer and behind the scenes videographer.

The carousel of photos includes a posed shot of the whole crew together, arms around each other, with Mulligan gently placing her arm on her husband’s stomach. It’s a rare behind-the-scenes image of the ultra private couple, who wed in 2012. Together they share two children — daughter Evelyn, 6, and son Wilfred, 4.

“Marcus is the only thing that’s mine that I can keep totally away,” Mulligan told Vogue of their marriage in 2015, “so I try to.”

Mumford’s full-length solo debut, called (Self-titled), will be released on Sept. 16. 

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